St George's Church, Benenden


St George's Benenden is joined with St Nicholas' Sandhurst

as a Benefice led by the Rector, Revd David Commander


We aim to be a welcoming, open church community. This website is intended to provide a good guide to our church life. Please see the contact details if you need help or any further information. 


Rector: Revd David Commander is the Rector of the Benefice of Benenden and Sandhurst. He originally trained and worked as a Chartered Mechanical Engineer for 28 years. He served his curacy at St James's, Tunbridge Wells, before moving to Benenden in October 2013.  He and his wife, Helen, have two daughters, two grandsons, a grandaughter, and an extremely friendly dog, Barney.

T: 01580 240658    M: 07710 416978   

The Rectory, The Green, Benenden, Kent TN17 4DL


Associate Priest: Though she was born in London, Rev. Rosemary Kobus van Wengen has spent most of her adult life abroad, teaching in schools and universities in Uganda and The Netherlands. She was ordained in 2001 in Canterbury Cathedral, and since then has served as a non-stipendiary priest (now ‘retired’, with Permission to Officiate) in Benenden and Sandhurst. Besides a passion for parish ministry her interests include art and literature, handwork and gardening.



Associate Priest: Rev. Ylva Blid-Mackenzie was born and raised in Sweden, moving  to Kent in 1996. She finished her theological studies at St Augustine's College in May 2020 and then served her Title  Post in Benenden and Sandhurst with the Revd. David.  She trained as a Landscape Architect and runs Madrona Nursery with her husband Liam. They have three sons, two border collies and some chickens.

T: 01233 820100    M: 07766 711957


Scripture & Reflection: Sunday 23rd March and for the week ahead:

6  Seek the LORD while he may be found,
    call upon him while he is near;
7  let the wicked forsake their way,
    and the unrighteous their thoughts;
let them return to the LORD, that he may have mercy on them,
    and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
8  For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.
9  For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:6-9

Do you think prayer is difficult, or just for ‘religious types’? Do you feel that maybe you are just not good enough, and God can’t possibly hear you?

Then know the truth, that God is very near, nearer than you are to yourself, and that he is always ready to hear you, willing you to turn to him so that he can lift off your heavy burden and comfort you.

Happily, God doesn’t think like people, he doesn’t have the same narrow outlook and small-minded concerns. God sees life on Earth and all Creation from a cosmic and timeless point of view, inviting us into a freedom and an abundant love that is larger and more generous than anything we can imagine. Welcome to God’s world and life in all its fulness!

Revd Ylva


“Services” and Prayer:

Please make use of the beautiful quiet space in St. George's Church any day for individual private prayer; prayer resources are available. 


Sunday 2nd March - The Sunday next before Lent 

8 am Holy Communion

10 am  All Age Communion

5 pm Choral Evensong

Wednesday 5th March - ASH WEDNESDAY

7.30 pm Ashing Service

Sunday 9th March- The First Sunday of Lent 

8 am 1662 BCP Holy Communion

10 am Morning Worship

Sunday 16th March - The Second Sunday of Lent  

8 am Holy Communion

10 am Sung Eucharist

Sunday 23rd March - The Third Sunday of Lent  

8 am Holy Communion 

10 am Morning Worship

Sunday 30th March - MOTHERING SUNDAY

8 am Holy Communion 

10 am Mothering Sunday Service

Mid-week Communion: Every Tuesday at the Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU

Morning Prayer takes place at St George's at 8am on Monday and Friday and at the Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU at 8am on Tuesday and Wednesday each week. (NB During the school holidays Wednesday Morning Prayer is at St George's.)



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