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Rector: Revd David Commander is the Rector of the Benefice of Benenden and Sandhurst. He originally trained and worked as a Chartered Mechanical Engineer for 28 years. He served his curacy at St James's, Tunbridge Wells, before moving to Benenden in October 2013. He and his wife, Helen, have two daughters, two grandsons, a grandaughter, and an extremely friendly dog, Barney.
T: 01580 240658 M: 07710 416978 revdavidcommander@gmail.com
The Rectory, The Green, Benenden, Kent TN17 4DL
Associate Priest: Though she was born in London, Rev. Rosemary Kobus van Wengen has spent most of her adult life abroad, teaching in schools and universities in Uganda and The Netherlands. She was ordained in 2001 in Canterbury Cathedral, and since then has served as a non-stipendiary priest (now ‘retired’, with Permission to Officiate) in Benenden and Sandhurst. Besides a passion for parish ministry her interests include art and literature, handwork and gardening. rosemaryvanwengen@gmail.com
Associate Priest: Rev. Ylva Blid-Mackenzie was born and raised in Sweden, moving to Kent in 1996. She finished her theological studies at St Augustine's College in May 2020 and then served her Title Post in Benenden and Sandhurst with the Revd. David. She trained as a Landscape Architect and runs Madrona Nursery with her husband Liam. They have three sons, two border collies and some chickens.
T: 01233 820100 M: 07766 711957 rev.ylva@gmail.com
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Scripture & Reflection: Sunday 16th February and for the week ahead:
Jesus said ‘But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who are laughing now, for you will mourn and weep. (Luke 6.24-5)
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus famously blessed the poor, those who were hungry and those who were weeping. He may have surprised his disciples, but he certainly made clear his priorities, his love and concern for those in trouble. But he also went on to the stark contrast, the emptiness which lies ahead for those who live only for themselves.
This week’s Collect prays: Almighty God, who alone can bring order to the unruly wills and passions of sinful humanity: give your people grace so to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that, among the many changes of this world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found.
David Harmsworth
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“Services” and Prayer:
Please make use of the beautiful quiet space in St. George's Church any day for individual private prayer; prayer resources are available.
Sunday 2nd February - The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
8 am Holy Communion
10 am All Age Communion
5 pm Choral Evensong
Sunday 9th February - The Fourth Sunday before Lent
8 am 1662 BCP Holy Communion
10 am Morning Worship
Sunday 16th February - The Third Sunday before Lent
8 am Holy Communion
10 am Sung Eucharist
Sunday 23rd February - The Second Sunday before Lent
8 am Holy Communion
10 am Morning Worship
Mid-week Communion: Every Tuesday at the Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU
Morning Prayer takes place at St George's at 8am on Monday and Friday and at the Mission Church, Back Road, Sandhurst TN18 5JU at 8am on Tuesday and Wednesday each week. (NB During the school holidays Wednesday Morning Prayer is at St George's.)
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