Covid Update (September 2021):
Things are operating normally at the toddler group atm. We ask that adults hand sanitise on entry, and use the HNS Tracking app; the wearing of face-coverings, by adults, is optional.
Cakes and Chaos is a baby and toddler group that is held in St George’s Church each Friday morning. We meet from 9am – 11am in term time. You can be assured of a warm welcome and throughout the morning we serve (real) coffee, a variety of teas and there are always plenty of biscuits and yummy cakes available to keep up your energy levels! Your child can play in the church, either with the toys on the carpet in the open space at the back of church or if they prefer (many do) they can whizz up and down the aisles in the cars or on the scooters! Our session ends with us all joining together in a circle (a loose description) and we enjoy some favourite action songs, sometimes using our parachute! We ask for a small donation of £1 per family.
If you would like any further information please contact
Helen Commander:
T: 01580 240658 E: