Home Groups
There are currently two discussion groups, providing the opportunity to develop your faith in company with others; one meets in Iden Green/Benenden on Tuesday evenings and the other in Sandhurst Mission Church on Wednesday evenings. For latest information, see here; or for details contact (Tues group) Tim Bentley timbentley_uk@yahoo.co.uk, (Wed) revdavidcommander@gmail.com
Morning Prayer
All are welcome to join the Rector in a simple morning service in the Lady Chapel at St George's each Monday and Friday or in the Mission Church at Sandhurst each Tuesday and Wednesday at 8.00 am.
Occasional Events
During Lent and Easter week, in Advent and on some other occasions, there are special opportunities to take part in reflective services, study sessions and the like.
Alpha courses provide a great opportunity to hear about and discuss what Christians believe and why, and to get to know others - each meeting includes a shared meal. For information about courses planned in the parish of the Deanery, contact revdavidcommander@gmail.com.
Weald School of Theology
Eight evening sessions offer lectures at A Level standard streamed on screen, followed by discussion in groups. 7.30-9.30, with a simple soup and bread meal, hosted by Goudhurst Church. Courses cover The Bible Track, Life Track or Faith Track. For more details see www.gkchurch.org or bit.ly/schooloftheology.
Alternative Verse of the Day
"Here we could place an extract or comment with a link to the full day's Lectionary readings?"... eg Jesus summed up his whole message as 'Love your neighbour as yourself' See today's readings